Vineyard Canada National Fast 2023 January 17&18
National Focus '23: Engaging with the Mission of Jesus
As we come to the final days of our Fast for 2023, we want to pause and appreciate all that God has done over the last 8 days as we have set aside this time to seek Him.
Step by step the Spirit of Christ continues to lead us and draw us near, so that we may know our Saviour's heart, hope and vision, not just for us as individuals and our national family but for the sake of the countless ones who are waiting beyond us in the shadows, longing to experience something of God's goodness, kindness, hope and love. We long to be among those who engage passionately in the wonderful, bewildering, surprising, and yet costly mission of Jesus.
May God strengthen us to step out in response to this invitation!
The Journey Ends: Day 9&10
1. The Invitation
Commissioning: A Call to Action, Sending out, Joyful Obedience
Leader: Anoint us O Lord, to go out in Your name, to speak your words of life and to proclaim the Good news.
Response: A new dawn rises in our hearts awakening us to serve you with renewed meaning and purpose.
Leader: We want to make you known in a world that does not know you.
Response: Empower us by your Spirit to bring hope to the poor, the broken hearted, the captive and the victim. To comfort those who mourn, to display your beauty in the ashes, and to praise you with joy in the midst of despair.
Leader: We say yes to your call. Instill in us the faith, and the courage we need for consistent obedience.
All: Anoint us O Lord, to go out in Your name, to speak your words of life and to proclaim the Good news.
2. Anchoring Focus and Scripture
The time has come. Jesus shocks the hearers as He reads the words of Messianic promise and announces the Day has come. He has come, the one they have all known as the carpenter's son. Hell takes notice. The poor raise their heads. A strange light begins to invade ancient shadows. With the same Spirit we too are anointed. Invited into the Mission of God. Sent by Jesus in the same way the Father sent Him. To our families, our towns, our cities, our neighbourhoods, all nations and people groups. With both hands we grasp the plow and step forward.
"The scroll of Isaiah the prophet was handed to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where this was written:
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come." Luke 4:17-19
Ponder; Wait; Receive
As you read the rest of the chapter, what are some of the responses of the Kingdom coming?
In what ways do we need fresh courage today?
"The powers and principalities of this world are aware that prayer and its results are the most revolutionary of acts. That is why they consider those who pray to be a threat. Prayer is an action in itself, a potent political weapon to be used in spiritual warfare against the most powerful forces of the world." Jim Wallis
Scripture passages taken from New Living Translation 1996 Tyndale
All quotes from Celtic Daily Prayer 2000 HarperCollins
3. Common prayer
Teach us, dear Lord, to number our days;
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Oh, satisfy us early with Thy mercy,
that we may rejoice and be glad all of our days.
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us;
and establish Thou the work of our hands.
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us;
and establish Thou the work of our hands, dear Lord.
Taken from Midday Prayer from Northumbria Community's Celtic Daily Prayer published by Collins
Please Note: We will continue to collect and review contributions sent to the Listening team until Monday January 23rd. The LT in consultation with the Foundations Team will be collating a summary which will be made available to our Pastors and key leaders to distribute to those interested. Thank you for making space and time throughout the fast to wait and listen to what the Spirit may be speaking to us as a Canadian Vineyard Family. We are very grateful to be able to engage our National Family in this way. Thank you for your participation!
Grace & Peace
The VC Team and VC Listening Team
We want to encourage you to send into the VC team what you are hearing/sensing that the Spirit may be speaking to us as a family. Please send your contributions to [Please enable JavaScript to see this content]