

A Burning in my Bones

Winn Collier

Delving into his successes and struggles, this biography on Eugene Peterson is an encouragement to stay the course in spite of a myriad of ministry challenges.


Navigating Transition

Transitions regarding leadership involve more than the leaders as communities are ecosystems that are impacted significantly by change. In this 20-minute video on transition, we unearth some of the challenges and opportunities available.



William Bridges

This great resource identifies the stages of transition, and shows us how to embrace each stage and move forward with hope.


Necessary Endings

Dr. Henry Cloud

How do we go about fixing what seems past the point of repair, in our current ministry or relational settings? "Necessary Endings" by Dr. Henry Cloud shows us the method and mindset behind how to make those decisions that are difficult, yet necess


Leadership Development and Emotional Health

Todd Rutkowski

As leaders, we must be mindful of taking care of our emotional health. Todd Rutkowski teaches leaders how to develop emotional health, so they can be ultimately more effective leaders.


Doing Difficult Conversations Well

Todd Rutkowski

Difficult conversations are hard because of several reasons. In this two-part video set, Todd Rutkowski, Emerge Catalyst for Vineyard Canada, focuses on 4 main reasons and how we might be more effective in each one.



Neal Black

This resource explains what coaching is, including a coaching demo. You'll also find articles on why to use a coach, and what to look for in a coach.


We are Made to Grow

Todd Rutkowski

How do we grow into spiritual maturity? Join us as Todd helps us understand the environment that supports spiritual growth.


We are Made to Grow - Parts 1 & 2

Todd Rutkowski

How to we move forward into a journey of spiritual maturity and growth? Todd Rutkowski helps us understand the environment that supports such growth.


Five Levels of Leadership - Part 2

Todd Rutkowski

Leadership in the Church involves various ways of leading. This two part video series unpacks how healthy leaders build community and will enable better skills to see your church community flourish


Five Levels of Leadership - Part 1

Todd Rutkowski

Leadership in the Church involves various ways of leading. This two part video series unpacks how healthy leaders build community and will enable better skills to see your church community flourish.