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The latest vital information from Vineyard Canada.

Moderators: National Director, Foundations Team

  • Posts: 73
  • Topics: 44

Last post: Sep 10, 2024, 2:49 AM September Online Gatheri... by Tina-Marie Axenty

SubsectionsJob Postings

Thoughts and reflections on what it means to follow Jesus as part of Vineyard Canada.

Moderators: National Director, Foundations Team

  • Posts: 132
  • Topics: 125

Last post: Sep 13, 2024, 5:10 PM Suhail Stephen, West End... by Tina-Marie Axenty

SubsectionsThis is Us

Frequently Asked Questions
Wondering something about the Vineyard in Canada? Get answers here.

Moderator: Foundations Team

  • Posts: 7
  • Topics: 7

Last post: Nov 11, 2020, 3:12 AM Racism in the Church by Vineyard Canada


Portage 2018 Vineyard Canada National Gathering Podcast
In July of 2018, we gathered from across the country in the amazing city of Montréal, Quebec for our quadrennial national gathering. We had a wonderful time worshipping together, praying together, and considering what the Holy Spirit is speaking to us, together. This "podcast" is where the recordings from the main teaching sessions will be posted.
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  • Posts: 6
  • Topics: 4

Last post: Aug 11, 2019, 5:00 AM Re: David Ruis - When Th... by Jodi Goerzen